While a known phrase says ‘dogs’ mouths are cleaner than humans’ mouths’, dogs can still develop multiple complications if they have poor oral health. Taking care of our dog’s oral health is probably one of the most important responsibilities every dog parent has. Planning to start today? Here’s how.
Raw Carrots
It’s a great low-calorie dental chew high in fiber and vitamin A that improves your dog’s immune system to fight against diseases. Feeding raw carrots to your dogs makes a good substitute for dental chews. It can help gently massage their gums and clean their teeth reducing plaque and tartar buildup.
Apples are a great source of vitamins and fibers. Feeding your dog this vitamin-rich snack can help deal with tartar and plaque buildup and freshen your dog’s stinky breath. Simply cut the apple into cubes or slices, but make sure to only feed them 2 slices at most to prevent upset stomach.
Note: When feeding this to your dog, make sure you remove the seeds and skin first. Apple seeds contain small traces of cyanides that can poison your dog and the skin can get stuck between your dog’s teeth.
Small Green Beans
This low-calorie snack gives your dog vitamins A, C and K that helps to make your dog’s teeth stronger. Small green beans can be either chopped, steamed, raw, or canned and still be good for your dog. Make sure there is no any salt, oils, spices, garlic, onion, or any additives.
Dental Chews
Dental chews are designed for your dog to chew on. These sturdy treats can help ease your dog’s boredom as well as clean their teeth thoroughly. It is highly recommended to only give natural chews to your dog such as Bully Sticks, Yak Chews and any dried animal parts without additives.
Yogurt or Kefir
Yogurt and Kefir is widely known to be a good source of probiotics. Probiotics can help boost your dog’s immune system as well as improve your dog’s gut balance. This can lessen harmful bacteria to cultivate in your dog’s mouth and prevent inflammations.
Do not feed your dog Yogurt or Kefir mixed with artificial ingredients. Make sure to only feed them plain to avoid causing harm to your dog.
Skip this if your dog is lactose intolerant. But if you plan to try, always try in small amounts first to see how your dog’s body would react and gradually feed the right amount a day.