Home Remedies To Stop Your Dog's Ear Infection

Home Remedies To Stop Your Dog's Ear Infection

You might have noticed that your dog frequently scratches their ear or shakes their head. While this may seem like a normal behavior for dogs, this is a sign that your dog is battling with ear infection. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), an estimated 20 percent of dogs suffer from ear infections especially dogs with flappy ears like Basset Hounds and Beagles.

Symptoms of Ear Infection in Dogs

While the list below can help you identify if your dog has an ear infection, most dogs do not display any symptoms aside from wax build-up. Still, ear infections can be uncomfortable for your dog. Here are signs you might want to look for:

  • Hairless part of the ear with visible redness.
  • brown, gray, white, or green discharge.
  • Bleeding, crusts, or scabs on the ear.
  • Constantly scratching their ear.
  • A strong odor from the ear.
  • Pain when being touched.
  • Holding the head to one side, or one ear drooping.

If your dog is experiencing any of these signs, do not panic. You can consult your local veterinarian to ensure that this ear infection is still in the early stage. Getting your dog on the right medication is important to make sure that your dog’s condition will not get worse.

If your local veterinarian suggested a home remedy to treat your dog’s ear infection, we have natural remedies you can consider.

Note: When applying topical solution to your dog’s ear, it is recommended to clean the target area first by ensuring it is free from dirt and debris. This can help to get a good amount of coverage when applying a solution.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix apple cider vinegar and distilled water into equal parts solution. If a syringe is available, use it to put the solution directly into your dog’s ear canal. Keep in mind that this should be diluted properly.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Dab a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide and add a few drops of coconut oil. While Hydrogen Peroxide is a good remedy to treat wounds and kill bacteria, use it with caution to avoid irritating the ear.

Green tea

Green tea has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties to help with ear infections. You can use cooled brewed green tea to clean the ear, applying with a pure cotton ball (not synthetic). Do not pour the tea into the ear as it may wash the debris further into the canal.

As mentioned, it is best to consult with your local vet first especially if your dog’s ear is inflamed with broken skin. These natural remedies are not typically regarded as a highly effective solution to infection and infestation. In some cases, if the issue might be caused by bacterial and fungal infections, it may require special treatment to prevent serious and irreparable damage to your dog’s ear.


There are dog breeds that are prone to developing ear infections such as Cocker Spaniels, Pugs, and Bulldogs, and owners should regularly clean and inspect their dog’s ears. Routine checkups and cleaning can prevent the buildup of dirt that can allow bacteria to grow. Additionally, your dog’s health in check can have a huge impact on their immune system that helps them fight against infections.